Friday, December 27, 2013

Hullo! It's been a long while since I posted anything, so I must apologize to my devoted viewers. Sorry! I would say that it won't happen again, but then I would probably be lying. So let's just stick with, Sorry! I will try to stop this from happening again.
Well, many things have happened since the last post, and I'm afraid I won't be able to share all of them, though I will try to narrow down to the highlights.
I will attempt to sum up the events in the camping trip in a later post, because right now I want to jot down more interesting topics. One of which, is obviously Christmas. The other, THE HOBBIT.

As you can see, we dressed up. It was quite fun too, I must say, and my friend Abigail had quite a nice sword. I'm the one with long, flowing hair in the back. You cannot tell from the pic, but I am Legolas, prince of mirkwood. Hold on, I think I have a better image for you,
Photo: Micah and me at the hobbit party. Two Legolas's, two times the Epicness!!! :)there, now you try to decide which one I am. I know, how can someone tell the difference between two such figures? Oh well, I think that after MUCH thinking and observance, you might be capable of making an accurate guess.
We had a wonderful time, all the costumes were great, and the movie was so-so. ( They had a few things that were below my expectations. i.e. they rushed the beginning, and other stuff. )
I've done enough typing for now, I think. I hope you enjoy! Later I will try to get up some pics of Christmas!!!! LATERRRRR!!!

Friday, October 4, 2013


  About a week ago, several friends and I went on a cool camping trip, so I thought that it would be fitting for me to share with you some of the highlights of that memorable experience.
  First, the surroundings. Our camping environment had a concrete platform that lay about two yards away from the tent, upon which was a concrete table, complete with concrete benches. Not exactly what I would call comfy. But, of course, we were camping, so what should we expect? As it was, it did not pose an enthusiasm-dampener for anyone.
  The tent rested on dirt.(Surprise!) We were able to fit in one big mattress and two smaller ones, which we placed our sleeping-bags on. I had a interesting time with a few bees who imagined it a fitting location to land. They were wrong, I soon proved, although they managed to get me out before I them. Eventually though, after several tries, I managed to fail again. They grew tired of their surroundings and flew out on their own. Let this be a lesson of perseverance.
  A road lay between us and the nearest bathroom, though many would rather travel to the one far down the road instead, for good reason too. Let it be simply put this way: YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO IN THERE. The water spout was located nearby, with a playground somewhat behind.
  These are the basics of our layout. Our fellows' campgrounds were not far away, (we could talk normally and those nearest us could hear without much trouble.)with similar settings.

  I have some urgent business to attend to right now, and typing all of these events would take too long, at the moment, anyway, so later I will finish the telling. As for now though, Adieu!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Added Music list.

Guess what!!!???????? In case you couldn't tell, I have added a list of some of my favorite songs, although keep in mind that they are not all of my favorite songs, just ones that I thought appropriate
for this purpose.
If you like slower songs, I would recommend listening to:
  Proof of your love - By King and Country
If you like country, try:
Me and my gang - By Rascal Flatts

I might be able to set up a better system for telling you these facts, but for now, this is it.
P.S. I am still adding songs to the list.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Hey reader, as you can tell, this is my blog.(At least, I hope you can tell, since you clicked on it and all.) Right now, it seems to be rather spacious, so I thought I might try to fill it up with some of my likings, ponderings, and events from life. Yes, I am new at this, so please bear with me. I shall try not to bore you,(if I haven't already) although it might be some time before I acquaint myself enough with the system to give you adequate material. Nevertheless, I will try. Thanks.